Trusted websites
Follow the links below to explore more resources regarding pregnancy and parenthood.
Best Start Ontario
Best Start Resources for fertility planning, pregnancy, labour and delivery and postpartum.
Midwifery Info
Information and resources on pregnancy, labour and birth from the Association of Ontario Midwives.
Trusted, evidence-informed pregnancy, birth, and early parenting information (Ontario-focused).
Caring for Kids
Information for parents from Canada's paediatricians (Canadian Paediatric Society).
Visit the International Breastfeeding Centre presented by the Newman Breastfeeding Clinic.
Reproductive Health
Information on contraception and pregnancy (Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada).
Abuse Support
Local resources to support women and their children who are being abused or have been a victim of domestic violence.
We offer a list of reliable documents to help guide prospective parents on their way to raising happy, healthy babies.
Follow the links for information on what to expect during each stage of pregnancy.
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